Dirilis Ertugrul Season 2 Episode 16 In Urdu Dubbing

Dirilis Ertugrul Season 2 Episode 16 In Urdu Dubbing

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Shape up or ship out. Permission. Peace be upon you. And peace be upon you. Yes, Master? I have hot soup. Warm yourself. Thank you, brother. I want to talk to you about something important. I know that this will stay between us. Turgut and Dogan used to hate you at first but then you have proved your braveryto all of us. Thank you. Thank you, Master Demir. I need your help to clear our names. Turgut and Dogan have saved my life. They are my brothers in this world andthe other. I will do whatever you want, Wild Demir. Thank you. We must set off with Halimebefore sunrise.

Episode 16 Season 2 Dirilis Ertugrul In Urdu

But we need get out ofthe nomad group quietly. The guardian Alps report to you. What about Ertugrul Bey? Will you meet him? Yes. Do not worry. I will do my best, Master Demir. Anything for you to clear your names. Thank you. So it is my turn to go andleave you alone. Godspeed. May the sun never burn your skin. May no rain make you cold. May no stone get in your way. Come back to your tribelike a flowing river. I want you to tell something to my motherbefore you go, Halime Sultan. Konya is too far, girl. You will ride a horse for days. And you are pregnant.

 We also know what happened to that Alpwho I sent to Konya. Ertugrul will come with us until we leavedangerous lands, mother. And if my baby is to become a brave Alp like his father,he must get used to challenging roads. May God protect you. Godspeed, my child. I will ask you something, Halime. Is Ertugrul still upset with me? No, he is not upset, mother. He misses you a lot. He wants to kiss your hand andembrace you as soon as possible. I also feel suffocated. May God never separate a motherfrom her child. Amen. May the God protect you on your journey. Mother. Ertugrul Bey wanted me to give youanother news. Another secret? Another secret, mother.

Ertugrul Ghazi Season 2 Episode 16 In Urdu

What is it this time? Sungurtekin. Ertugrul Bey has learned that his brotheris alive. How? How can he know that? "My mother has been patientfor a long time. Tell her to be patientwithout asking questions." He will bring his brotherto the nomad group soon, mother. My son! My son! My God, you made me hear this news,so please allow me to see my child's face. Let us be reunited, merciful God. Amen. My son! Gokce. I have learned his location. Ertugrul's location. Tugtekin,

 go and bring him here alive. Bring him, so that he getswhat he deserves. Brother. I think you should talk to Haymebefore things get more complicated. First we have asked Gokce, who he seesas her daughter, for our son Tugtekin. Now we want her son Ertugrul to sendto the gallows. I think it is better to make Mother Haymehappy, until we get rid of Korkut. Do I have permission, Bey?

Enter. Gumustekin Bey. We need to talk right away. Excuse us. What is it, son? I have learned Ertugrul's location. Where is he? He will meet with his wifeand Wild Demir tomorrow. It seems that he wants tobring the message himself after their messenger to Sultanwas intercepted. You did not tell it to your father, right? No, he does not know it. You know that your fatheris really sensitive about his nephew. I will take care of it myself, Bey. That is the best way. Go and take care of it yourself. Do I have permission? Yes. You summoned me, Bey. Gather our men.We will set off before sunrise tomorrow. I have learned Ertugrul's location. I have news for Noyan. So you are back. Where were you, Tangut? Where were you? I want to talk privately. What are you hiding from the menI entrust my life? I want to talk privately, Baycu Noyan. Speak. Ertokus. He's dead. How?

 Go away! Get lost! Good job. Keep going like this. -Aytolun Hatun!-Move. Move! What are you doing here? I have rememberedhow generous of a woman you are. You old hag!I told you not to come here again. Winter is ahead.I am an old and lonely woman. I need a place to stayand something to eat. You cannot stay in this nomad group.Get out of here! Wolfs would eat my body beforewinter ends. Maybe this is what you really want, eh? Tell me is that what you want?

Wait me at that foothill. I will bring the things you want tonight. Thank you, Aytolun Hatun. This will be the last time you see me. I am so sick to survive this winter. If you come here again I will notlet you die of sickness. I will feed you to the wolveswith my own hands! Go now! Aunt. Are you okay? That old hag was here. I told you thatshe was not going to leave you alone. Don't you worry, aunt. I will take care of her. I will whisper in her ear thatshe should never bother you again.

 I went for hunting in the woods. I saw some tracks, trailed themand found myself in some place. Cut to the chase! The tracks belonged to Kayis. I traced them in hopes ofcatching some of them. Then I saw the Kayis attacking oursoldiers who were escorting Ertokus. What are you saying, Tangut? I killed Ertokus to prevent them fromrecapturing him. Man who I have been tryingto catch for years have died before I delivered him toOgeday. Get lost. Get lost! After I am done with you Ertugrul, your world will be in ruins. What is it, Tangut? What's going on? May God help you. As I said, Noyan will take prisoners awayin the morning. Every news you bring from thatbastard Noyan,

 will lead us to salvation. May God protect you. Prepare the horses. Let's go. Yes, Bey! May the scourge of the earth and sky,follow you wherever you go. You are done now! Noyan has lost one of his favorite man. That is why he is angry. Who are you? Suleyman Shah's daughter, Selcan. I used to know your father. I mean your birth father. That evil man who made brotherskill each other. I have heard that you are no differentthan your father. However an elder Dervish who came fromthe west had tamed you. You have repented. Your old ears are not that deaf if seems.

 I hear everything. I mean everything. Now get out of here! Leave me alone. What do you want from me? Aytolun. Why did she grow pale when she saw you? Everything has a price, girl. Price of the information you want to knowis not this worthless necklace. I am not afraid to pay the price. Then you hate Aytolun Hatun that much. She is a miserable person,not even worth my hate. Tell me. What do you know? Why is she so afraid of you? She was warming the bed of Korkut Beylong before his wife died. Do we need to talk about thiswretched woman any longer? Yes. Then you must pay the price. Pay it before nightfall to getwhat you want. You wait here. I will be back with gold.

Do not move away from this place! Where can I go except hell? It's you! -What have you told her?-Nothing. -What have you told her?-Nothing. What is this? What is this then? I have not said anything. You got what you deserved, old hag.

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