Ertugrul Ghazi Season 2 Episode 14 in Urdu Hindi Dubbing Full Episode in one

Ertugrul Ghazi Season 2 Episode 14 in Urdu Hindi Dubbing Full Episode in one 

Your anger captured you. Give me a break! Give me a break, mother! Give me a break! Give me a break! You must control your anger patience. You must learn to use its a weapon for your enemies. What are you saying, mother? Ertugrul is here, among us,in headquarters! His Alps threatened man front of everyone! They humiliated me! They challenged me! I was silent to their arrogance.

Ertugrul Season 2 Episode 14 Urdu Dubbed
Ertugrul Season 2 Episode 14 Urdu Dubbed

 I was silent for Gundogdu brother! I was silent for my father! Your anger prevents youto see your victory. You got rid of those irregular Alpsafter Ertugrul. Now it is easier to perish them for you. You won a huge victory today, Tugtekin. You won this victory by fling Ertugrul'sbeing one-handed in his teeth and being silent to arrogance of his Alps. You call this victory, mother? Victory is everything which takes youto your goal, Tugtekin. Mark my words. Now... ...Gokce will be last partof your victory. She did not call for us

, she is comingherself so we are wrecked. Welcome, Mother Hayme. Are you mentor of thesecrazies, Wild Demir? It was our decision notto be Alp, Mother Hayme. I raised both of you as my child. How could you do this without asking me? We made a mistake by not telling you.But what happened to Ertugrul Bey... Then, they came for Abdurrahman. We are no good to anyone, mother. -Forgive us, mother.-Forgive us, mother. Just like fire grows with air Alps trained by obedience in nomad tent. You broke your traditions. 

You gave your decision withoutasking your Mother Hayme. You could not be patient.From now on, you are not a man. Mother Hayme. Wild Demir. Do not break your traditions, too. Do not discuss my words. Bey, your hand is as strong as your heart. It did not wear well to damages. My hand and my heart could bearMongol tyranny, Artuk Bey. But my nomad tent could not. Do not think people areas brave as you, Ertugrul Bey. If anyone were you, you would be anyone. Is this lame handed Alpcould grab a sword again? I wish you heal with the name of God and get rid of everythingthat gives you pain every evil eye and every evil person. I hope you get better soon. Thank you. Why did you vote against mein headquarters? If I had voted for you you could not have found mein headquarters when you needed me again. Who are they? They are the ones who will take your duty.

 I mean, the ones want to obey.-Duties? They are Beys, officers and viziers. Welcome before Noyan the representativeof great Ogeday. If you were not perfect... ...I would kill all men. But I would not kill women. We are ready, Efendi. My favorite scent is woman after blood. I fit the horse with shoes, let it rest. Thank you, stableboy. Thank you. So, you are back. We did not feel the absence of youbecause of your Alps, Turgut and Dogan. 

They are not Alps to be on your side. They did it by challenging Tugtekinin front of everyone. They humiliated us. Instead of worrying about these,be careful about the danger coming. Our nomad tent is under a treatlike it has never been. There is a treat, you are right. But the treat is you, my brother! You and your rascal Alps! I said I would obey headquartersjudgments, brother. You were going to obey headquartersjudgments, tell me another one! You did not obey your father'sheadquarters judgments, 

do not fool me! What do you want, brother? If you want me go, I will gowithout hesitation. You put us in shit up to our necks,now you want to go, huh? What do you mean? I mean, calm down and stay with your wife. She did not have a good daybecause of you. At least, a winter would bein peace in nomad tent. -Tangut.-Yes, Bey. They will eat it standing. They will. Can they eat it? They had better eat it. Whatever, they are coming from away. They may sit down. Sit down. Sit down. Enjoy it. Tangut. Yes, Bey. The animals of Anatolia are delicious. They are, Bey. They did not give you foodin Aleaddin's palace, I guess. Meat is delicious. I cannot stop myself. Have them all. Enjoy it. Enjoy it.

 Let us get down to business. The Beys want to show obedience. They want to be tied to Ogeday's state. Is that right, Beys? -It is right.-It is right. It is right. Why do you want to be with us? To be Bey and grow with you. Because we could not stop you. To be together and found stronger states. I wish your Beys and Sultanswould be as smart as you. We always need Beys like you. Being with you is dangerous for us. What do we get in return? Return? Bring it! Open it. Everyone will be happy. Thank you. Everyone. Are you ready, Ulubilge? If you betray to your own Beys and Sultans you will betray me sooner! Eat! Eat! Eat! We make Bey whom we want,not the ones come to us. Comprehend us fully,

 Hamza. Know the value of it, Hamza. Bring my food to my tent. I know you are offended to me. You do not share your troubles, either. It hurts me more. How could I be offended to you, mother? I would sacrifice my very life to you. Perhaps, I made a mistake. When I gave my decision andraised my hand in headquarters other Beys raised their hands after me. It is too late to thinkabout this, mother. We got hurt. We got hurt so much that the nomad tent of Suleyman Shahtook shelter in another nomad tent. My brother and you gave wrong decisions. We had to, my son. We had to. Perhaps but we will understand when you payfor your decisions. How could I let you to put yourself and your nomad tent in dangerwith this hand? I am your mother. Please understand me. You are mother and Bey. 

We must obey you. But... ...I will do what is right for me. Do not worry. I will not stand against you. But do not stand against me. Or I understand I have no placein this nomad tent and I leave. Be aware of this. When will Ertugrul Bey comeand talk to us, father? Our Bey has his plans. Have patience. Have patience? How long do we haveto bear this? I could not bear anymore. I heard that you are not Alp anymore. We did it without asking you, forgive us. Even we exiled from nomad tentor get hanged, we are with you. We want them know. If we are together till the end, be ready. Be ready for what, Bey? First thing is freeing Abdurrahmanfrom caged tent. Whenever you want, we are ready Bey. But... must be as if he escaped. Then, Bey? What are we going to do then? Have patience.

 Bey, what do you want from me? Make something that would be armor to my handand give strength to my lame hand. Bey, I will make something like a clawthat would wrap your hand. You hold your zulfiqar with it andyou will take our revenge with it. Leave us alone. Bey, do not. Tugtekin Bey ordered. He could talk to me, leave. How could I go to Noyanwhile I am in cage? We will let you out. Be ready and wait for it. It is a good thing you are caged. When you go to obey Noyan,you will be more persuasive. He hates not just mebut everything, everyone. It is all my fault. Do not wear yourself off. We are all going through hard times. Gokce, too. She did not mean that, I am sure. She meant it, mother, I know.

 I took everything she got. Her hopes, dreams of starting a family. She cannot have a baby. My daughter, do not worry. I talk to her, alright? Mother, Aytolun took Gokceunder her control and poisoning her and I cannotdo anything about it. Please mother, save my sisterfrom that woman. Alright. I will talk to her. Do not worry. Alright. I collected goods of Kayiremains from attack. I will talk to a merchant tomorrow. But as far as I heardthere is not much wheat left. I do not think so. They want to earn moreby saying there is less. So,

 level them with ground. Easy cousin, what are you saying? You cannot fight all the time,you must be a merchant sometime. Gundogdu speaks the truth. Nomads do not know pleasure of goldwhile herding. I hope you like our food, Gundogdu Bey? I made them with my hands for you. Thank you, Aytolun Hatun.They are all delicious. Mongols are going to attack uslike pack of dogs. There are less nomads. The women of day always spend timewith their husbands in bed even if they do not give a baby, Bey. In old times if a womencould not have a baby she would bring another womanto family to have a baby. Also, the men of today have patience,they do not divorce infertile women. 

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Tell the one who sent you here Ertugrul Bey would kill me next time. Good night, Ertugrul Bey. Thank you, Gokce. Bey. What they did to you in headquarterswas not right. Even after what you didfor our nomad tent. They gave an unjust judgment. Thank you, Gokce. I feel sorry for your hand. I learned what that infideldid to your hand. May god curse those inglorious bastards. I pray that I get hurt instead,you get hurt. I will pray for your handevery night and day. To grab your sword to take revengefor bloodshed. 

Hope for the best, Gokce. Thank you for your prays, too. What are you doing, Gokce? We talked about this two years ago.It is over. Or it is not? I wrote you in my heartwith fire, Ertugrul. How could I forget you as long as I live? How? Tell me how? What are you saying, Gokce? How could I bear to see youin the same marquee with my wife and child? How could I live with youlike pangs of conscience? Tell me! How could you get this idea? How? Good night, mother. You, too, my daughter. Is Gokce alright, Ertugrul Bey? 

Artuk said train untilyou grab your sword. So, train, Bey. But that was not my question. Gokce is alright. I am sick of Gokce, Ertugrul. She still loves you. And she raised a scorpion in herself. That scorpion will poison all of us. We all know Gokce's scorpion. But... ...I do not know who bite meon headquarters. How could you get this idea? How could I bear to see youin the same marquee with my wife and child? How could I live with youlike pangs of conscience? Gokce? Bey. What are you doing herein the dead of night? I could not sleep, Bey. You cried. Enough.

 Give me a break. Gokce. I... I do not know what happened to me. Tell me if you need anything. If you excuse me. Bey. Stay here. Stay here with me. I pulled you apart today. Forgive me. I wish only you pulled me apart. Who pulled you apart, Gokce? Tell me and I will bury them. I have buried them, do not worry. They cannot pull me apart from now on. 

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