Dirilis Ertugrul Season 2 Episode 15 In Urdu Dubbing

Dirilis Ertugrul Season 2 Episode 15 In Urdu Dubbing

 Let me go! Let me go! Here I come! In the name of God! God damn it! Noyan will lose his mind. Bamsi! Brother! -Brother!-Is it you? It is me, brother. It is me. Brother, what is it? I cannot tell you . Mother Hayme gave itto me. I am taking it to Konya. Brother, it is obvious that Mongols set an ambush for you. They will not let you go. Come back to the nomad tent with me.Talk to Mother Hayme first and go. What do you think, brother? I say aye. My mighty brother! These Mongols are fierce fighters,brother. They never end no matter-how much you kill. How is my nomad group, brother?Are they okay? Why is that, brother? Ertugrul Bey is exiled. Ertugrul Bey?

Who exiled Ertugrul Bey, brother? I will tell it on the way. Tell me, brother.Tell me about Ertugrul Bey, brother. Your father has ruined our plans. It is better this way. When Kocabash finds the information that messenger has Mother Hayme will hand over Ertugrulwith her own hands. Son, let's say we have dealt withthis situation, then what? What do you mean? Your father would not take action, son. If a Bey would not take actionin a nomad group there will not be any peacein that nomad group. We have not seen any comfortsince the Kayis arrived here. Are they the only ones to blame? Your father is guilty as much as they are.
Ertugrul Season 2 Episode 15

Ertugrul Season 2 Episode 15 Urdu

Let me tell you son, if this continues like that your fatherwill lose his Seigniory. You must stake a claim on Seigniory. What if they take it from the messenger?What would we do then, mother? We must be prepared for everything. Wild Demir. Can we take Halime out of nomad group? It is too hard, Mother Hayme. Really hard. They don't let anyoneout of the nomad group. Mother. What does everyone say? I disappear for a little whileand look what happens. It is really dangerous,

son. If they catch the messenger,our relationship will be torned apart. What messenger, mother? Messenger we sent to Sultan Aleaddin. God have mercy on us. I wish you had shared these cleverplans of yours. I sent it to my uncle. You would know about itif you were around, Gundogdu Bey. No, Halime Hatun. No. It is obvious that you want toact like a sultan in this marquee. As long as you keep acting like a sultan,you will torment our tribe. We want to learn my brother's locationfrom you but you keeep bringing us more troubles. What now? How did they find out aboutthis messenger? Only Sultan's order can save Ertugrul. If anybody hears it,things will get out of hand. My God, protect our messenger. Amen. Peace be upon you.

-Bamsi.-Bamsi. And peace be upon you. Mother Hayme. Thank God you are here. -Master!-Welcome, son. Bey! -Welcome.-Greetings. Sister Halime. Welcome, Bamsi. Where have you been, you lunatic? I battling in the mountains, master. Mother Hayme. Dundar is fine. Yigit Alp is fine. They are being disciplined. They are all like lions. Mother Hayme, I have brought Gunkut, too. Gunkut! Brother Gunkut! Gunkut! -What is going on?-Mongols have attacked me, Mother Hayme.

 I would have died,if it was not for Bamsi. They knew that I was the messenger. We were lucky again. Bamsi, I will talk to you later. Alright. Excuse me, I leave the decision makingto you. As long as I don't learn themfrom others. I missed you, son. My men are looking for him everywhere. He cannot run forever. He will show up sooner or later. Bey! It is like ground has swallowedthat messenger. There are no trace of him. Incompetent fool! Keep looking.

 What now? Relax. My spies in the palace will deliveranother letter to Aleaddin on behalf of Halime Sultan. You scare me, Bey. How are things in the palace?Sultan Aleaddin? Sadettin Kopek? Sultan Aladdin is the most gifted SultanI have ever seen. And Sadettin Kobek is the most evilvizier I have ever seen. So the devil and the angelare in the same palace? I am also curious about the end ofthis story. But the real question is Tugtekin,where will we end up in this story? What do you think? Right in the center of it. I mean we must be the oneswho decide the end of this story. Did Abdurrahman enter the nest of Noyan? He did but I don't knowhow will he get out. I hope for the best.

 We must think about saving Ertugrul Beyfrom all this trouble. One day the hand of God will touch itand everything will go upside down. That hand should reach out soon. It is not the right time then. Bey! Welcome. Greetings. Artuk Bey, you have done a lot for us. Do not mention it, Bey. My pleasure. As long as you seek justice,there will always be someone to help you and clear your path. Thank you! We don't have much time.We must act quickly. Peace be upon you.

 -Bey!-My Bamsi! Bey, they told me you were on exile! Bey! Bey! Bey! They can exile us,but we can come back from the sky, Bamsi. I would die for you, Bey!I would die for you! Come, brother. Bey! Bey, your hand? -This is just a mosquito bite, Bamsi.-Bey, I would-- I would crush that mosquito, Bey. Do not worry. You fell in the middle of action,Bamsi Beyrek. Really, Bey? Nice. It has been a long timesince I decapitated some heathens. I was drowning in sorrow,

 Bey. We should tell Halime Sultanthat I am here. I will take care of it. -Excuse me.-Thank you very much. Do not stand up, please. Master Demir, you know thatI am not good with words. My condolences, master. Our heart burns. Thank you. I want to hold you in my arms soon,my child. Why are you in a rush, Turali? Ertugrul Bey wants to see you,Halime Sultan. I don't believe that Ertugrul is a murderer or he betrayed his state, Aytolun.

Then Ertugrul should come here toface the trail himself, Bey. And let the ones behind this plot be revealed one by one. Gumustekin is more than a brother to me. I am breathing because of him. He saved my life from the Mongols with his sword without flinching. His leg was crippled because of that. However he is on a wrong path. He is looking for the evilin a wrong place. Bey, you used to trust my brother's intuition and experience a lot. I did. I always did. But not this time. His search for this evilis giving birth to more evil among us. Get ready,

Halime Sultan. We will go to Konya. We? Since our messenger was not ableto reach Konya then we go there ourselves. How is that going to happen, Bey? By asking help from the traitor itself to take us to Konya. Gundogdu. Our tribe is getting restless. Decisions are being madein your marquee without you. Your Hatun burns down the nomad group. And what are you doing, Gundogdu? Pull yourself together quickly! Gundogdu who is the son of Suleyman Shah.

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